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Need Optimization with EAM/CMMS/ ERP Asset and Equipment Data? Here’s Yow You Can

The selection and subsequent deployment of an Enterprise Asset Management (EAM), Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) or Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solution is an often monumental decision for most asset-intensive entities and the adoption can be both business-changing and business-interrupting if not well planned.

Recently, one of our engineering services partners introduced us to a large enterprise who are utilizing IBM’s Maximo Asset Management system.

IBM-Maximo provides a domain to house and manage asset and equipment data; however, many times companies using Maximo and other EAM/CMMS/ERP solutions face struggles to create, update and manage all of their asset and equipment information. The situation is exacerbated each time new assets and equipment are purchased and installed as latent and incomplete data presents significant challenges and potentially increased costs – in terms of maintenance and reliability – and puts the organization at risk of unscheduled production downtimes.

In this particular situation, we found that the organization possessed more than 1,000 new assets in two separate plants, yet the asset and equipment records had not been yet been created in Maximo. In order to aid in an efficient migration, Net Results Group prepared a scope of work for capture and standardization of their information. Our scope includes a physical review of the asset and equipment at each plant to collect and validate the information.

Net Results Group will provide walkdown services where our engineers will collect and validate the required asset and equipment data. Once the walkdown services are completed, we will provide a file for uploading their asset and equipment data into Maximo. With careful pre-planning, our engineers will be able to properly align the required data fields to ensure smooth and successful population of the asset and equipment records into their Maximo system.

Since 1996, Net Results Group, LLC has been providing services in areas of asset and equipment data, BOM and MRO materials master data. For companies seeking to optimize utilization with their EAM/CMMS/ERP systems, we’re well positioned to aid in the collection and validation of asset and equipment information, BOM and MRO materials master data to ensure a successful adoption and migration. In addition, we provide our MRO3i cloud-based extension to all major EAM/CMMS/ERP systems for companies seeking to simplify the on-going governance process in these data domains.

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