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Accurate, useable BOMs

A company realized the Bill of Materials (BOM) for its MRO items was confusing and often incorrect. Different words described the same function, and the people who identified the parts sometimes had to

New build/initial provisioning

A growing company evaluated bids for new capital equipment as part of a planned expansion. To make an informed decision, the company needed help understanding the capital spares requirement for each

Regain control and compliance

A company recognized its abundance of MRO spares in the storerooms, unidentifiable parts and even obsolete MRO stock. The maintenance department had difficulty managing the tens of thousands of its

Accurate, Useable BOMs

A company realized the Bill of Materials (BOM) for its MRO items was confusing and often incorrect. Different words described the same function, and the people who identified the parts sometimes had to

New Build/initial Provisioning

A growing company evaluated bids for new capital equipment as part of a planned expansion. To make an informed decision, the company needed help understanding the capital spares requirement for each